“Honestly that’s a lot easier to say than explaining I woke up in one of my moods and no amount of sleep will make it go away. It’s just so much easier and more socially acceptable than telling people what’s really going on inside your head.” - Kristy E. “’I’m not feeling well…(insert fake symptom here)’ it’s a catch-all for when I’m sad, anxious, etc., etc. Although individual participants may benefit from being part of a clinical trial, participants. if a new test or treatment works and is safe. provides a unique interface for everyone to create Personality. Personality tests are meant to test ones personality. These symptoms often result in impulsive actions. Quizmoz is a fun place where you can Make your own Personality test. I don’t want my friends or family to judge me, or think I don’t want to see them personally.” - Sarah M. Borderline personality disorder is an illness marked by an ongoing pattern of varying. ‘I’ve already seen too many people this week and if I have deal with anymore, it will take me at least two days of complete isolation to recover’ sounds really melodramatic to most people, even though it’s 100 percent true. “ Multiple social situations over a few days is incredibly exhausting and overwhelming for me at the moment, so sometimes I use ‘normal’ or ‘valid’ reasons why I can’t catch up with people, like having a headache or being sick, rather than being honest. People leaving me has happened too many times to count now…” - Beth E. D., director of training at the NewYork-Presbyterian Borderline Personality Disorder Resource Center, an internationally recognized center for the. “Even when I’m contemplating suicide or self-harm, I don’t want people to worry as I fear if they knew I was not OK, they would leave me. With a total of 567 test items, the MMPI-2 is used to help mental health. It causes so many problems in my relationships.” - Ashley S. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is one of the most commonly used psychological tests in the world. ‘I don’t care’ is a defense mechanism to shut down the conversation so I can have a chance to escape. “In reality, I’m probably irritated for no reason, and if you keep asking what’s wrong, my anxiety will ramp up and I will take it out on you in the form of anxiety-induced anger outbursts.” - Julie S. “I want to believe so bad I can handle myself and accomplish what I need to without help from others, but really I just don’t believe anyone cares enough about me to want to be there for me when I need it so I just convince people I need no one.” - Antasia H. To better understand the lies people tell because of BPD, we asked our Mighty community to share what lie they tell when they’re struggling - and why they tell it.